(IM)PERFECT COLOUR: Challenging Acceptability Through Sustainable Colour Choices.
This talk will examine how unstandardized colour palettes, salvaged pigments, and visible recycled content can shift consumer attitudes, turning perceived imperfections into desirable design features. Through case studies and real-world examples, we will explore strategies for integrating colour imperfection into sustainable design, fostering a new visual language that values authenticity over uniformity. By rethinking colour beyond the constraints of synthetic perfection, we open the door to a more expressive, meaningful, and ecologically responsible future—one where imperfection is not a flaw but a bold statement of sustainability.
Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic
Colour Designer, Researcher & Consultant. PhD in Design Research, Politecnico di Milano. MA in Image Studies, UAH. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Colour Association (AIC). Member of the Editorial Board of the Color Research & Application, WoS Journal. Member of the Core Team of the AIC+ISCC Colour Literacy Project. Member of the Study Group on Colour Education (SGCE) and the Study Group on Environmental Colour Design (ECD) of AIC. Member of the Design Committee of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), Chile. Chair of the Cumulus Working Group on 21st Century Colour Education. Assistant Professor of the Design Department of Universidad de Chile, and Lecturer at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. For 16 years, Ingrid has been a full-time researcher and epistemologist in the field of colour, developing methodologies for its study, teaching, and application in design, architecture, and art concerning other research areas such as visual and curatorial studies. Ingrid has presented specialized conferences and workshops in different countries in America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.