This form may be completed by a member of the MCAD community who has experienced or witnessed sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment on campus. Information given on this form will sent to the Title IX Coordinator and be used for statistical monitoring in compliance with the federal Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act. Completion of this form may not result in an investigation if submitted anonymously. To submit a formal report that may result in an investigation, please include your name and contact information and a member of the Title IX team will follow up with you.
There are support resources available both on campus and in the community:
- MCAD Public Safety Emergency Line: 612.874.3555
- Title IX Coordinator: 612.874.3626
- Student Affairs and counseling: 612.874.3738
Additional external resource available:
- Minneapolis Police: 911
- Rape and Sexual Assault Center: 612.825.4357
- Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC): 612.873.3132
More resources are available in the MCAD Sexual Misconduct Policy.