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Now Hiring!

Peer Mentors for 2025/2026

The Undergraduate Peer Mentor Program is currently looking for Undergraduate Peer Mentors for the 2025-2026 academic year. The purpose of the program and the qualifications of a mentor are listed below. Peer Mentor positions are paid positions, and mentors are hired for the entire 2025-2026 academic year.


  • Applications are due by Wednesday, April 16th at 11:59 PM CST. Please feel free to email the Learning Center with any questions you have about the program.

Wednesday, March 26

Now Hiring!

Peer Mentors for 2025/2026

The Undergraduate Peer Mentor Program is currently looking for Undergraduate Peer Mentors for the 2025-2026 academic year. The purpose of the program and the qualifications of a mentor are listed below. Peer Mentor positions are paid positions, and mentors are hired for the entire 2025-2026 academic year.


  • Applications are due by Wednesday, April 16th at 11:59 PM CST. Please feel free to email the Learning Center with any questions you have about the program.

Wednesday, March 26

Work in the SB for Fall 2025?

Dear Students-

Are you thinking about a new workstudy job for next year??? We are!

The SB will need to hire a bunch of new folks for Fall 2025. Could that be you?!?

Interested in learning more about printing, document setup, layout, and finishing equipment?

Send us an email now to let us know you're interested (

We will send out applications over the summer once we know who qualifies for workstudy for the 25/26 school year.



Tuesday, March 25

Work in the SB for Fall 2025?

Dear Students-

Are you thinking about a new workstudy job for next year??? We are!

The SB will need to hire a bunch of new folks for Fall 2025. Could that be you?!?

Interested in learning more about printing, document setup, layout, and finishing equipment?

Send us an email now to let us know you're interested (

We will send out applications over the summer once we know who qualifies for workstudy for the 25/26 school year.



Tuesday, March 25

Work in the SB for Fall 2025?

Dear Students-

Are you thinking about a new workstudy job for next year??? We are!

The SB will need to hire a bunch of new folks for Fall 2025. Could that be you?!?

Interested in learning more about printing, document setup, layout, and finishing equipment?

Send us an email now to let us know you're interested (

We will send out applications over the summer once we know who qualifies for workstudy for the 25/26 school year.



Tuesday, March 25

Internship Spotlight

Includes: Minnesota Children’s Museum, Capsule, iFIT, Inc., and Punchcut…

Job Title: Exhibit Fabrication Intern

Organization Name: Minnesota Children’s Museum

Wage/Salary: $16/hr plus free parking or bus pass

Tuesday, March 25

Internship Spotlight

Includes: Minnesota Children’s Museum, Capsule, iFIT, Inc., and Punchcut…

Job Title: Exhibit Fabrication Intern

Organization Name: Minnesota Children’s Museum

Wage/Salary: $16/hr plus free parking or bus pass

Tuesday, March 25

Internship Spotlight

Includes: Minnesota Children’s Museum, Capsule, iFIT, Inc., and Punchcut…

Job Title: Exhibit Fabrication Intern

Organization Name: Minnesota Children’s Museum

Wage/Salary: $16/hr plus free parking or bus pass

Tuesday, March 25


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