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Unpaid Personal Leave

In the event an employee is not eligible for FMLA or other leaves, and/or has exhausted available paid time (such as vacation, sick, and personal holiday), they must submit an Unpaid Leave Request Form to their department supervisor and HR. Such leaves may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  After three months of employment, employees may request a non-medical leave of absence. This request must be made in writing, stating the beginning and end dates and reason for the employee’s leave. Leaves of up to five calendar days may be granted upon the approval of the department manager. Leaves of over five calendar days also require the approval of the department manager’s supervisor. A copy of the approved leave must be sent to HR. Leaves will only be granted when an employee’s absence does not negatively affect the department’s ability to efficiently deliver service.  If an employee chooses to take a personal leave, they are responsible for paying the full cost (includes employer and employee premiums) of the benefits for which they are enrolled. Employees on unpaid leave do not accrue vacation or sick time.