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Student Union

SU Mission

MCAD’s Student Union (SU) is run by students, for students. SU serves as a forum for the expression of student views and enables students to participate in College governance by providing a voice for student goals and concerns. Any credit-earning student is automatically a part of SU, you just have to show up!

The Committee

SU’s Executive Committee is responsible for organizing and running meetings. The committee is comprised of students from each department and the MFA program. In addition to these meetings, each rep: organizes town hall meetings mediated by their Department Chair once per semester, attends board meetings, and actively pursues ways to connect our administration and students. Contact your rep for more information.

How It Works

SU is allotted funds each semester for student-run activities and programs. These funds come from the student activities portion of your tuition. To receive funds, complete the Funding Proposal Form at least one day before the Wednesday funding  meeting. Then you, or a collaborator, must present the proposal at the meeting in order for it to be discussed and voted on. All students may vote on all funding requests, including proposals they submitted.


Open meetings occur every other Wednesday at 12 noon through Google Meet (with adjustments for larger campus events and semester breaks). Anyone can add an item for discussion on the agenda. Minutes and budget updates can be found on google drive.


Active clubs are allotted $200 per semester to fund large events, advertising costs, or other long-term expenses. Clubs may by-pass the two week waiting period by submitting a Proposal for approval before the Club Event. Requests exceeding the initial $200 will require a General Proposal, and clubs may not by-pass the two week waiting period.

Students can request funds for events or items that will benefit the larger MCAD community. SU cannot fund graded student projects, work for off-campus gallery shows, or late fees.  All General proposals over $200 will be voted on after the two-week waiting period. Proposals under $200 can by-pass the two-week waiting period.