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Call for Art - Made at MCAD 2025: All-Student Juried Exhibition

Work Drop-Off:

Wednesday, March 12
10:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Main Gallery

Juror Deliberation and Work Selection:

Thursday, March 13
9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

Pick-up for Works Not Selected:

Thursday, March 13, 2:00 p.m through Friday, March 14 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Opening Reception:

Friday, March 28, 6:00–8:00 p.m.
Award Ceremony at 7:00 p.m.

All current MCAD students (all degrees and all divisions) are invited to participate in the Made at MCAD 2025 call for art. This annual juried exhibition features the best work submitted by current MCAD students pursuing all degrees in design, fine arts, media arts, and entrepreneurial studies. Participants have a chance to win five $250 cash prizes.

Each student can submit up to three individual/collaborative works or one series of up to eight pieces. The work submitted must have been done while enrolled as a student at MCAD. Any medium, including time-based works (e.g., film, video, websites, and animation), is acceptable.

Please read the submission guidelines PDF for all guidelines on submission and intake.

Made at MCAD Submission Guidelines and Intake Form

Jurors: The Bureau

The Bureau is a multidisciplinary studio and creative media platform. Art, as an expression of love, provides one of the few avenues in which the imagination can be completely unbound. As such, our work utilizes photography and film, design and fashion, research and dialogue, exhibitions and creative experiences to weave the thread of our collective histories. Our distinctive approach to storytelling allows for unique cross-category solutions that merge robust artistic production with critical dialogue. The Bureau was founded in Minneapolis in the wake of local and international uprisings sparked by the killing of George Floyd. The team coalesced around the desire to produce work that reflects the political, cultural, and social needs of those most marginalized in the contemporary landscape.

Thursday, February 27