Hello everyone,
This is a reminder that any Fall Semester 2024 requests for incomplete grades must be submitted to Records no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13. Requests for incomplete grades are always due on the final day of classes for the semester.
Please note that incomplete grades are only possible in certain circumstances. See the Student Handbook for the full policy.
Students who are currently on academic probation may not receive incomplete grades.
Students who are planning to request an incomplete grade but have not yet done so should contact their department chair or program director now to begin the approval process. Department chairs or program directors must approve any requests, and then the section faculty must approve, before the request is routed to Records.
A fillable PDF version of the Request for Incomplete Grade Form is available on the Records Intranet page, under the Forms for Students heading.
Email your completed form to records@mcad.edu.
Faculty: Incomplete grade requests are due prior to regular final grades. More information about final grading is forthcoming in the next Faculty Focus.
Please contact Records if you have questions.
Thank you!