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General MCAD Posting

MCAD Clubs Fall 2024/25

Live and Online!

This is a listing of clubs on campus. It is a living document, so some clubs may appear and disappear, but it is the best way to see what is up. The list is always growing, always getting stronger, always planning....

If you want to start a club or have any questions, write to

Thursday, September 12

Now Hiring!

Openings for and an Artwork Archival Internship, Career Development Graduate Assistant, and Exhibition and Studio Services Work Study

Artwork Archival/Organizational Intern

The is an unpaid position.

Apply by October 1, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

See the full job description and application process on Handshake.

Career Development Graduate Assistant


The position pays $15.57 per hour.

Apply by October 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m.

See the full job description and application process on Handshake.

Thursday, September 5

Things to Know

Image Release

MCAD is responsible for initiatives promoting the College and its educational and artistic programs. The College may also engage in the use of s tudents’ names, voice, photographic or video likenesses, reference to artistic, musical, literary, or any other creative work produced in connection with their studies at MCAD.

Thursday, September 5

Student Union - Recruiting

SU helps build community on campus, advocates for students with the administration, and helps fund club events.

Every Student Gets a vote!

Stop by our public meeting to see what is up!

We are Hiring New Positions - Every department needs a r epresentative!

Thursday, September 5

Message from Board Co-Chairs

Dear MCAD Staff, Faculty, and Students,

Following the President Sethi’s email, we write to confirm the news that President Sanjit Sethi’s tenure will end in July 2025 and will step down from his role as college president at that time. A nationwide search for a new president will commence shortly, chaired by Board members Chris Barry and Greg Hoffman ‘92.

Tuesday, September 3

Message From American Dining (ADC)

Dear MCAD students, faculty and staff,

I am writing to provide a follow-up on the undercooked chicken tender incident that occurred at The MCAD Café on Thursday, August 29, 2024. This incident has been taken very seriously by American Dining Creations, including our District Manager. The development and safety of our customers are of utmost importance to us.

Friday, August 30

CampusWell August 2024

CampusWell August 2024

Welcome to CampusWell, the online wellness magazine just for MCAD students.

Each month, you’ll receive a brief email with info to help you succeed...and make sure you enter this month’s drawing and be entered to win a $50 gift card!

Thursday, August 29

Cafe Updates

Welcome new and returning students!

A couple of notes on the cafe:

  1. Meal service in the cafe will begin on Monday, 8/26.
  2. Resident students: Meal plan funds are currently being loaded into Chowit. Once that is done, a confirmation email will be sent along with instructions on how to use the ChowIt App.
  3. Micro-market - the MicroMarket is open now and through the weekend and accepts debit and credit cards

Keep checking back for updates.

Monday, August 26


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