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Digital Lab Information

Welcome to the 3D Shop Digital Lab!

The 3D Shop Digital Lab encompasses 3D printing, Laser Cutting and CNC machining.  Below you will find useful information on how to access the lab and how to use the equipment.  Please email digital lab staff at if you have any questions.

New Digital Lab Email and Access Forms!

To make access easier and faster, we have added a new email address that goes direct to the Digital Lab!  If you have any questions on 3D Printing, Laser Cutting or CNC Machining please email the Digital Lab directly at!

We have also updated our Digital Lab Project Request Forms! They are now shorter and easier to fill out.  They are located below and are now unique for each process.


3D Printing Project Form
Laser Cutting Project Form
CNC Project Form
Digital Lab Costs
Digital Lab Turnaround Times


Digital Lab Reading List
Foundations 3D Printing Reminders
Advanced 3D Printing Reminders
Laser Cutting Reminders
Laser Cutting Materials Guidlines
CNC Reminders


Cura Download
Sense Scanner Download

Tutorial Handouts

Advanced 3D Printing
Laser Cutting
Laser Cutting File Formatting
Cut 3D
CNC Woodblock

Tutorial Videos