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Campus Security Authorities


Campus Security Authority are MCAD employees who by their duties on campus become designated as CSA’s. Some individuals automatically qualify (ie, RA’s, Campus Safety, etc) whereas other individuals may become CSA’s during an event (ie, a professor takes a class on a field trip or study abroad professors). A CSA is required to automatically report crimes within campus bounds (and campus owned property) to campus safety.

Know the Facts

Spread the truth about sexual assault

FACT: Most survivors know their perpetrator.
In most cases the person who commits the violence is a neighbor, friend, acquaintance, co-worker, classmate, spouse, partner, or ex-partner, not a complete stranger.

Outgoing Mail


The USPS postal carrier picks up outgoing mail daily at 11:00 AM. All mail received after that time will be processed and set for the following day. MCAD uses UPS as its alternative outgoing shipping option.

Domestic Mail

Outgoing letters must be clearly marked on the back of the envelope with the department code to charge the expense to.

Incoming Mail

Delivery Schedule

Mail is delivered by the United States Postal Service on weekdays between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM and it is generally ready for pick up by 1:00 PM. Mail Services also accepts incoming shipments from UPS, FedEx, DHL and other courier services.

Letters and Small Packages

Letters and small packages will be sorted into department and recipient mailboxes as space allows.

Bulk Mailing

Departments that are requesting large bulk mailing projects must contact the Accounting Manager ( with the expected postage expense ONE WEEK PRIOR to the mailing. Proper notification must be received to avoid delays in the completion of the mailing.

The bulk mailing account is a pre-paid cash account held at the United States Postal Service to cover the costs of these bulk mailings so notification is necessary to ensure the account has appropriate funds.

This service is only available for MCAD business purposes.


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