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MCAD's 5000 square foot Printmaking Studio offers classes to students in the various print media. Enjoy the pleasant and spacious atmosphere of the 4th floor Printshop where skylights provide natural lighting. After you've taken a printmaking class, it only takes a few minutes to fill out a Personal Proposal in order to gain access in the future.

In the interest of health and safety, The Printshop uses oil based and water based inks, Ferric Chloride for safer etching of copper plates, a rag service, waterbased screenprinting inks, and non-toxic clean up methods. The Printshop conducts ongoing research in an effort to use the safest printmaking processes available. A spray booth system is available for safe exhaust of aerosols and organic vapor solvents. Colored inks, newsprint, rags, and chemistry for printmaking processes are supplied.

MCAD's Printshop is open to students currently enrolled in PPB courses." Reminder: Students NOT enrolled in a PPB class, but who have previously taken a PPB class, or who have previous printmaking experience, are asked to submit a "Printshop Personal Proposal" as well as the signed Printshop Rules form at the beginning of every semester. Printshop hours are subject to the availability of qualified monitors, and may be limited during summer session or closed during holiday periods. Undergraduate declared PPB Majors and Minors well as current MFA students may petition to have 24-hour access. Contact the Printshop Director to obtain a proposal form or you may download a Late Night Personal Proposal form below.

Proposals, Forms, Printshop Rules, Equipment List, Safety Video, etc. found below.

Personal Proposals and Late Night Proposals are due each Wednesday by 10:00 a.m. to the Printshop Director's office, room 415, inside the Printshop, as they are added to the Printshop Access List by Public Safety on a weekly basis.

MCAD Faculty and Staff using the Printshop for their own personal artwork need to fill out a Personal Proposal for access. The Printshop is closed over the May/June, August and December/January breaks to all students, faculty and staff, including Jerome and McKnight Fellows.

Introducing, the Printshop/Paper Studio Express Request form! Now you can submit your request/problem/question to the Printshop/Paper Studio using your phone or computer!

Fall and Spring Semester Access
The Printshop/Paper Studios are open to BFA, BS, and MFA students currently enrolled at MCAD. Access is for work that applies directly to classes students are enrolled in. For other uses of the facilities, students must submit a written proposal. There is no access during college breaks. Please see the department intranet page for proposal form, and detailed information on access and policy.

Summer Access
The Printshop/Paper Studios are open to BFA, BS, and MFA students who are continuing with classes at MCAD in the fall, with the exception of internships. Students who are pre-registered for fall classes may request access by submitting a proposal. Please see the department intranet page for proposal form, and detailed information on access and policy.

Requests for Printshop and Paper Studio Use by Faculty for non PPB Classes
Since the schedule for PPB classes are planned out in advance, class visits or use of the P PB studios from classes that are not Print, Paper, Book related need to be approved one week prior to the start of each semester. Faculty who wish to use the Printshop and Paper Studios for their classes need to submit a request. Please email Diana Eicher, Director of the Printshop and Paper Studio with the details of your request and we will consult the class schedule to see if your request can be accommodated. We can also meet in person or have a Google Meet if you have any questions.

Disability Accomodations
If you need accommodations to access the Printshop or other areas of MCAD as a student, staff, faculty or community member then please contact MCAD's Learning Center and Disability Services at

Director, Printshop and Papermaking Studio
Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. | Room 415