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File Naming Conventions

A file naming convention (FNC) can help you stay organized by making it easy to identify the file(s) that contain the information that you are looking for! A good FNC can also help others better understand and navigate through your work. 

In order to avoid recieving a million files all titled "Untitled_1.tiff" or "bannerprintprojectprintmeplzxoxoxluvu-forrealthistime1_toprint.pdf", we strongly suggest you use the following FNC for all Service Bureau print job submissions: 


for example: 




Feel free to include any additional information that you feel would be helpful to you or us, for instance:



But please try to keep things concise and to the point!

(Note these are merely best-practice suggestions for helping to keep your files better organized. You are welcome to come up with your own file naming convention that works best for you!)

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