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Format Recommendations for Archiving Work


The information in this article has been deprecated, and it will eventually be removed from the KnowledgeBase. For help with using software, please see your instructor or other knowledgeable resource as the Media Center and Help Desk cannot provide assistance on the useage or maintenance of academic software or its best practices.



*These recommendations are for the standardization of format only! They do not outline specific steps for achieving that format within the MCAD digital environment.

Table of Contents
File Naming Standards
Still-Images: Bitmap
Still-Images: Vector
Multi-page Layouts
Time-based Work: High Definition
Audio Work
Interactive Work: Web/HTML
Interactive Work: Database/Server-based
Rapid Prototype Output: STL for Z Corp RP
Rapid Prototype Output: DXF for Roland Modela CAM
Liberal Arts / Text-documents



File Naming Standards

Each submission must use the following naming convention: 


Example: holland_barb_popcorn1.TIFF



Still-Images: Bitmap (Photoshop)

For Bitmapped images, (continuous-tone imagery such as photographs) the following format specifications are recommended:

Pixel resolution: 300ppi
Color mode: RGB
Embedded color profile: Working RGB: Adobe RGB (1998) or None
File format (Save As): TIFF format with the following options selected:
  • Image Compression: LZW
  • Byte Order: Macintosh


Still-Images: Vector (Illustrator)

For Vector images the following format specifications are recommended:

Color mode: CMYK for document Color Mode (it's okay if you've got placed or embedded images that are RGB)
File format: EPS format with the following options selected:
  • Transparency- Overprints: Preserve; Preset: High Resolution (if using transparencies, otherwise disregard)
  • Fonts- Embed Fonts
  • Options- leave set to defaults
Fonts: If your fonts don't embed properly, you can convert them to outlines (which works better with larger type than smaller type)


Multi-page Layouts (InDesign)

For Multi-page layouts in InDesign, the following format specifications are recommended:

Color mode: CMYK (it's okay if you have placed or embedded images that are RGB)
File format: Export to PDF format with the following options selected:
  • Adobe PDF Preset = High-Quality Print
  • Standard = None
  • Compatibility = Acrobat 5 or higher
  • All other options = use default settings
(Also - if you produced a physical object with this document, like a book or poster, make sure to document that object as well, referencing the Still-Images recommendations above).



Time-based Work

For HD time-based work (digitized film, video, animations, motion graphics, etc) the following format specifications are recommended:

Frame size: Option A) 1920x1080 or Option B) 1280x720 (determined by your project or source material)
Video compression: H.264
Target Bitrate: 10Mbps or higher
Aspect (Pixel Dimensions): Square Pixels (1.0)
Frame rate: 29.97 fps or 23.98 fps (determined by your project or source material)
Audio format: AAC
Audio sample rate: 48000 Hz
Audio sample size: 16 bit
Audio bitrate: 320kbps
Audio channels: Stereo
File format: H.264 (.mp4)

Instructions for exporting with these options using Adobe Media Encoder can be found here.


Audio Work:

For audio-only work the following format specifications are recommended:

Audio compression: None
Audio sample rate:
48000 Hz
Audio sample size:
16 bit
Audio channels:
File format:
AIFF (.aif) or WAV (.wav)



Interactive Work - Web/HTML

For Web/HTML created interactive work, the following format specifications are recommended:

Project Screen Captures:
Include in the disk a selection of screen captures to illustrate the look and feel as well as the interactivity of the final piece. Then prepare a brief text document that lists each of the screen captures and a description of the context of what is on-screen at that moment.

Screen captures file format: This screen captures should follow the formatting standards listed above under Still-Images: Bitmap. (300ppi TIFF files)
Submission medium: Consolidate all linked files and pages into a single site folder. This site folder should have an obvious home or index page. Place the screen captures and their outline document in a separate folder.

In addition to the submission elements above, if your instructor requires it you may also add a digital PDF copy of the flow chart of navigation (site map).


Interactive Work - Database/Server-based

To best ensure the maximum accessibility of database/server-based work it is necessary to both reference and provide access to the work as it currently exists, as well as provide screen grabs to act as a document of the work in case the site ceases to exist in the future. To that end, the text outline documentation process detailed at the beginning of this document will work as the reference. In it, in addition to the work title, date, etc, please list the full URL by which users can access the site. 

Project Screen Captures:
Include in the disk a selection of screen captures to illustrate the look and feel as well as the interactivity of the final piece. Then prepare a brief text document that lists each of the screen captures and a description of the context of what is on-screen at that moment.

Screen captures file format: This screen captures should follow the formatting standards listed above under Still-Images: Bitmap (300ppi TIFF files)
Submission medium: Place the text outline document with the URL of the live site, the screen captures, and the screen captures outline document into a single folder.

In addition to the submission elements above, if your instructor requires it you may also add a digital PDF copy of the flow chart of navigation (site map). 


Rapid Prototype Output - STL (Stereolithography file) for Z Corp RP

File format: STL (Stereolithography) with the following settings:
  • File type: Binary
  • Controlled Objects: Visible Layers Only
  • STL Options: Scale checked on, with Scale Factor set to 1.000 Check the Position in Positive XYZ Octant option


Rapid Prototype Output - DXF for Roland Modela CAM modeler

File format: DMX with the following settings:
  • File type: ASCII
  • Platform: Macintosh
  • Export Objects: Facetted: As Object. Smooth: As Facetted
  • Controlled Objects: As Plain Objects, Visible Layers Only
  • Decomposition: Triangulate Faces turned on
  • Attributes: Preserve Face Colors turned on
  • DXF Options: Export Facetted Objects as ACIS Objects turned off, Version 2000


Liberal Arts / Text-documents

File format: Adobe PDF

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