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Placing an interlibrary loan (ILL) request for a book or dvd

Requests for books or dvds that the library does not own can be placed through an interlibrary loan (ILL) request. The library is able to facilitate physical and digital delivery services for our patrons.


You can place a request for any book or dvd and we will try to find a partner library that is willing to lend us the book or dvd (item). The item will be delivered to the MCAD Library in 5 days (on average), where you can check it out (here at MCAD). Please check the MCAD library catalog first to make sure we don't already have the item (Mcatalog).


Below are instructions on how to fill out an ILL request or you can get started on your request with this link: use this form.


If you look at the top center of the page you will need to click on the button that looks like this: REQUEST INTER LIBRARY LOANS.

This will bring you to a page where you will need to login using your MCAD login information.

  • For more information about your MCAD login click here: MCAD Login.


After you login you will be able to enter the information about the book or dvd. Please enter as much information as possible to make sure you get the item you want.  

If you would like to request a physical item you will need to enter the title, author, and it can be helpful if you enter the ISBN. If you would like an older item that has several editions, and you don't care which edition you get, you can enter the title and author. If you would like a specific edition, ISBN, publisher, and/or year please fill out the request with this additional information.

  • is a good resource to help you create an accurate citation for the ILL request form.


You will now need to select a format: Physical, Digital, or Photocopy.

  • Digital ILL requests that require scanning require more information. The more information you enter the more likely your digital request will be filled. For digital books we ask that you fill out the pages you would like to read and the title of the chapter. Please add this information at the time of your request. If your request was denied, please consider adding this information and try submitting your request a second time.
  • When asking for pages from an ebook, scan, or photocopy from a book you cannot ask for the whole book, no more than 2 chapters or 15% from a single work (whichever is less) can be requested.
  • Digital ILL requests will either be emailed directly to your MCAD email or an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to access the pdf pages.


Double check that all of your information is accurate and click on "send request."

One last step, you will have to agree with the library's copyright statement.

You will receive an email when your book has arrived.


Please contact us with any questions: or (612) 874-3791


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