ARTstor Instructions for all MCADians (with active email accounts ending in
Prepared by Allan Kohl, Visual Resources Librarian
Email:, Tel: 612.874.3781, MCAD Library #107
What is ARTstor?
ARTstor is the world_s largest image database documenting works of art, architecture, design, and other aspects of visual culture for study, teaching, research. It currently contains over 1,300,000 images, along with metadata catalog records for each image. It also provides a structured tool-set for students and faculty to select, organize, and present image groups. ARTstor is a subscription service available only to users affiliated with educational and cultural heritage institutions; for this reason, users must register and log in.
How do I get access to ARTstor?
We_ve made it easy, and there are several paths from which to choose. From MCAD_s Intranet home page, select Library Resourcesand then click on the ARTstor logo in the right-hand column under _Highlighted Resources._ Or, click on the ARTstor link under _Find Images._ If you are working from off campus, click on the Library's ARTstor link or simply enter into your browser.
Once I reach the ARTstor home page, then what?
If you want to begin using ARTstor right away, just click the orange _Enter Here_ button in the upper right corner. If you_d like an overview first, you can _Tour ARTstor_ by clicking the green tab in the lower right corner, or scroll down through the various options under the _Collections & Services_ or _Using ARTstor_ links in the navigation bar.
After I click _Enter,_ what do I do on the Welcome Page?
The most important thing is to register by clicking the link in the green box in the upper right corner. You must register on a networked computer on campus at least once a semester and use your MCAD e-mail address to verify that you are currently affiliated. You will be asked to enter a password with at least 7 characters; we_ve found from experience that it is best to use at least one letter and one number, and to avoid _wild card_ symbols. Your ARTstor password does not have to be the same one you use for your MCAD e-mail account. All additional boxes are optional. To enter your registration, click on _Submit._
If you have already registered during the current semester, you can go right to _Log in_ (the red link in the _Welcome to ARTstor box). Registering and logging in will give you full access to all of ARTstor_s tools and services. Faculty can receive additional privileges by being verified as current Instructors (contact Allan Kohl for access information). Once you have registered on campus, you can log in to ARTstor from any networked computer, anywhere in the world.
How do I perform a simple search?
Enter one or more search terms in the box under _Search_ and then click the red _Go_ button. HINT: The more bits of information you provide, the better your search results will probably be. Be careful to spell names correctly. Separate search terms with a [comma + space]. Avoid using plurals (e.g. don_t say _engravings_ if you want to locate a specific _engraving_). If you aren_t specific enough _ if, say, you ask for _Renaissance, painting_ instead of _Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa_ you might receive a message that the search located thousands of hits and can_t display them all. To avoid this situation, try the following . . .
How do I perform an Advanced Search?
Click on the red highlighted link below the simple search box. The Advanced Search dialog box will guide you through the process of searching by controlled terms such as artist name, work titles, dates, or any other pieces of information you have.
What other discovery options do I have?
There are many browsing options available: these include location (_Geography_), work type (_Classification_), and the holdings of specific museums (_Collections_).
Once I_ve found what I_m looking for, what_s next?
Hover your cursor over an image, and you_ll see a larger version of it. Double click on an image to open a full screen file. The full screen image will offer you a number of options. Use the _+_ to zoom in on the image; you can then use the red _Move selection_ frame in the lower right corner to enlarge another portion of the image (be sure to wait for the file to re-load!). By clicking the _i_ icon underneath the image, you_ll open the catalog record alongside.
Can I download images from ARTstor?
Yes, and it_s easy to do this. Once you have opened a full-screen image, click the second icon from the right in the toolbar menu (it looks sort of like an Etch-a-Sketch). Doing this will download a JPEG file already scaled for use in PowerPoint, along with a separate file containing the work_s catalog information, which you can cut and paste to make a caption if you are incorporating the image as an illustration in a paper.
The image download procedure will require you to click through several dialog boxes, one of which will ask you to verify that you will not use any images you download for inappropriate or commercial purposes, and will not re-display them on the open web. So make certain that your intended use is appropriate before you download an image!
Where can I find course review images in ARTstor?
If your instructor has created image groups for your class, you can find them by clicking the red _Open_ button beside the _Folders & Image Groups_ icon in the center of the welcome page; or by selecting the _Browse image groups_ link under the _Find_ column at the top of the page under the ARTstor logo. Your instructor will tell you the name of the image group to look for (it might be listed by the course title, or it might be listed by the course number (e.g. AH1701); or, an image group might also be listed by the last name of an artist, architect or designer, or by the title of a subject presented in class. NOTE: There may be multiple sub-folders under each main folder; each of these sub-folders may contain multiple image groups.
Can I make flash cards using ARTstor image groups?
This has already been done for you! follow this link: http://mobile.artstor.orgIf you have an Artstor account you can login to the mobile site using your same username and password.Please enter your password in all lower-case.To view flashcards, go to _Open Image Groups,_ select an image group, and open it. Using the red _View_ button in the upper right corner of the page, select the _Flashcard_ option. The images will display in order; click within an image to _turn the image over_ to reveal tombstone ID information. Click again within the box to restore the image. If you want to self-quiz, you can ask to have the images randomly sorted by clicking the red _Shuffle_ button in the upper left corner.
[Please note that this mobile web app works on Apple mobile devices and any computer using Safari as your browser, but itoften does not work at all with Firefox.]
Do I (or does MCAD) have to pay to use ARTstor?
The MCAD Library pays an annual subscription fee for unlimited use of ARTstor by all affiliated individuals, including faculty and students. The cost is the same no matter how many transactions originate from our user community. Bottom line: use ARTstor as intensively as you wish _ we_ve already paid for it!
Where can I get more help?
You_ll find a very thorough Help Menu by clicking on the green _Help_ button in the upper right corner of any ARTstor page. Some of the options are _FAQ_ documents; others explain how to use specific tools; still others offer help in locating images for specialized subject areas.
You can also ask your Institutional Contact by clicking on the link under _Questions_ on the ARTstor Welcome Page. (Or you can just contact me directly: or call 612-874-3781.
For more specialized questions and technical problems, you can contact ARTstor_s help desk by clicking on the link under _Questions_ on the ARTstor Welcome Page.