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How to print from your phone, tablet, or other mobile device

***NOTE - Do NOT use this method to add printers to your Mac laptop. Go HERE for those instructions.***

Printing from your phone, tablet, or other mobile device is super simple with PaperCut's built-in Mobility Print service.

First, make sure your mobile device is using the MCAD secure wireless network. (Mobility Print will not work via cell carrier signal.)

 Go to THIS link.

Click on the link for the OS you wish to print from and follow the instructions.

**Pay attention to your PAGE SETUP as it won't usually match a regular paper size by default**

The following MCAD printers are currently set up for mobile printing:

  • SB-BW-Letter 
  • SB-Color-HP
  • 3rdFloorMain-Canonir3235i
  • 4thFloorMain-BW-Canon
  • Library-Canonir3235i
  • Library-Color-Laser
  • FCC-Computer-Lab-HP

Once sent from your device you will still need to log in to your PaperCut account (or the control screen of the device) to release the print job.
     -Use this URL ( as a handy shortcut for releasing on mobile devices. Don't forget to add the shortcut to your home screen!

*(Note: you CAN use Mobility Print to set up these printers on a MacBook but we strongly suggest you continue to use the Print Deploy utility for the most reliable printing experience.)

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