Windows users must use a unique program to connect to MCAD servers. We recommend the use of WinSCP, a free FTP-like program for Windows. You can download it from here.
Once you have WinSCP installed on your computer, use the following instructions.
- Open WinSCP. This brings up the Login window.
- Under Hostname enter or whichever you wish to connect to.
- For Protocol, make sure SFTP is selected.
- Enter your MCAD Login information for User Name (e.g. mjordan).
- Enter your MCAD Login password for Password.
- Click Login.
- If this is the first time you're connecting, a dialog box will appear asking you to accept the host key. This is part of the mechanism that makes the encryption work; you'll need to approve this by clicking Yes the first time you connect.
- You will be taken to the root of the Classes/Department share. Open the folder for your class/department on the right hand pane (if using the "Commander" interface). You can drag and drop files between your local computer (left hand pane of WinSCP in the Commander interface), and the server on the right.
Downloading and Uploading Files
To download and upload files, you can simply drag and drop files between the two panes.