Syllabus Form Instructions
version 1, 04/29/21
- Find the link to Syllabus Form on the CE intranet page
- Enter your SUMMER 2021 course number and section in this format: DEPT 1234 01
ex. AEW 6015 01, do not include the semester designation SU21
Please double-check the course number for accuracy, email the CE office for assistance. - Video-conference links for your class are encouraged for online courses and there is a field on the form specifically for the link.
- Type or copy/paste your information for each available field. For the course calendar, the form does not accommodate formatting. You can skip this field and complete it later to make the formatting just right.
Course Title, Instructor Name, Instructor Email, Description, Date, Time, what to bring and what to wear will fill automatically. - Select course methodologies from the list. At least one methodology in this section is required to complete the form.
- Click Submit.
- You will receive an email with the link to your syllabus, follow that link.
- Review your syllabus and make corrections or changes directly in the Google Doc.
This form removes all special formatting.
- If you would like to have formatting in your Course Calendar (type sizes, tables, etc), leave this field blank in Step 4 above, and click Submit.
- When you receive the link to your syllabus, click the link. This will take you to the syllabus file in Google Docs.
- Copy/Paste your formatted Course Calendar into the Doc file under the Course Calendar heading. All the formatting will be retained.
Contact for assistance.